This picture to illustrate how we live with our three centers. Our mind is like this monkey: playing, moving, making noise. Our emotional center is the lion of our life. It is coloring our experience, sometimes in a comfortable way, sometimes in a painful and bitter manner. And then there is our somatic center. The…
True stories, Chris Thorsen - part1 This article is part of a serie of stories of how aiki can be applied in business for better leadership. They show how business success depends on the spirit of the leaders, the way in which they source their power, and their willingness to be guided. Chris Thorsen and Richard…
The first experiments to embody the theory U through AikiCom exercises are really exciting. The AïkiCom practice let us live through the body the descent and rise along the U curve, avoiding the trap of staying in the cognitive mind and creating the illusion of descending the curve